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Reports from your Board

President's Message -
2025 got off to a sad start for me and ForeGolf with the unexpected passing of Howard Weinberger. Howard was not only a good friend, but also a major contributor to our club. He contributed in so many ways because Howard was a problem solver. It was largely due to his efforts that ForeGolf embraced technology. As Newsletter Editor, he developed our website, as well as, our electronic newsletter, saving the club several hundred dollars per year in printing and mailing costs. In 2012, Howard took over the duties of Treasurer and developed our ability to pay online with a credit card. While I have been President, he continued to serve as Treasurer, despite having moved to Tucson.
Despite Howard's contributions to ForeGolf, He will be missed far more as a friend. I attended his Celebration of Life at his club in Tucson and was not surprised to see a large meeting room full of family and friends of Howard. I had known Howard the last 20+ years of his life. However, the eulogies and stories about Howard helped me to understand the rest of his life. He clearly had a major impact on a lot of lives. He also had an impact on many of his newfound friends in Tucson. Many of the attendees at his celebration of life were his golfing and pool volleyball (yes, Howard played pool volleyball) groups from his Tucson club.
Congratulations Howard on a life well lived and on your reunion with your beautiful wife Gloria.
Keep Fore Golf Great!
Jack Corrigan

Tournament Chair Message -
The January 2025 tournament at Hansen Dam Golf Course was awesome. The weather was clear, and the course was in great shape. Everyone had a great time. Thank you to all who participated. Let’s congratulate our winners:
“A” Flight Kevin Lienhard Net: 72
“B” Flight Erik Nilsen Net: 73
“C” Flight Kevin Brown Net: 74
“D” Flight Jose Gutierrez Net: 74
Job well done gentlemen.
Next month, we travel to Mountain Meadows Golf Course in beautiful Pomona CA. This is an American Golf Course so the turnaround for this tournament will be quick and early. The tournament is set for Saturday, February 22, 2025. The first tee time is 10:00 am. The cost of this tournament is $90.00, which includes golf, cart, and range balls. The Side Pot will remain $30.00. Let’s have a great turnout like the Hansen Dam Tournament.
2025 Warren Bentley Shuckin ‘N’ Jivin Competition:
The Shuckin ‘N’ Jivin competition is upon us. The application is attached in this newsletter. The cost remains the same, $70.00 per team or $35.00 per golfer. I want to start competition in March if possible.
Matt Mahoney
The January 2025 tournament at Hansen Dam Golf Course was awesome. The weather was clear, and the course was in great shape. Everyone had a great time. Thank you to all who participated. Let’s congratulate our winners:
“A” Flight Kevin Lienhard Net: 72
“B” Flight Erik Nilsen Net: 73
“C” Flight Kevin Brown Net: 74
“D” Flight Jose Gutierrez Net: 74
Job well done gentlemen.
Next month, we travel to Mountain Meadows Golf Course in beautiful Pomona CA. This is an American Golf Course so the turnaround for this tournament will be quick and early. The tournament is set for Saturday, February 22, 2025. The first tee time is 10:00 am. The cost of this tournament is $90.00, which includes golf, cart, and range balls. The Side Pot will remain $30.00. Let’s have a great turnout like the Hansen Dam Tournament.
2025 Warren Bentley Shuckin ‘N’ Jivin Competition:
The Shuckin ‘N’ Jivin competition is upon us. The application is attached in this newsletter. The cost remains the same, $70.00 per team or $35.00 per golfer. I want to start competition in March if possible.
Matt Mahoney

Greetings Fore Golf Members,
The current member count is 65 + 2 Honorary members. Within these numbers we have 3 or 4 members that will rejoin in the first quarter of 2025.
If you know anyone interested in joining our club, please send them my way or you can direct them to our website for all details @ www.foregolf.org
Membership renewal:
For those that have yet to renew, the fee is $85. At the time of this newsletter being published, we were having some technical issues with the website. If you tried to pay your dues online unsuccesfully, you can always send me a check or pay in person with cash. See below for more details.
New members only:
Our new member rate is $41.
If paying by check, please have them send to the following address:
Mark Alexander
23422 Westbrook Lane unit #63
Valencia CA. 91355
(*Make Checks Payable to Fore Golf)
If paying by credit card on-line, they can go to www.Foregolf.org (Select the appropriate payment tab)
In addition, they can download the application from the website.
Fore Golf Membership includes the following:
Fore Golf benefits:
• Annual membership from 11/1/24-10/31/25
• Monthly tournaments, at least one multi-day away tournament plus Thursday Skins games at Knollwood and other courses in the area.
• Hole in One fund has exceeded $4,600+ and growing for the miraculous shot.
• Various planned social outings and events throughout the year.
• Being a member of a financially secure golf and social club.
• And much much more, including teeing it up with a bunch of great guys!
SCGA benefits:
• SCGA/USGA/GHIN Handicap Index and Information Network
• Access to SCGA tournaments (All Skill Levels)
• Discounted Tee Times in SCGA local events
• Access to Premier Private facilities (SCGA One-Day Series)
• SCGA Member Outings (non-competitive, just for fun and to play some great courses)
• Subscription to FORE magazine
• Preferred pricing on golf equipment
• Online video segments to improve swing and fitness
• Rules of Golf
New Member news:
Nothing to report.
If any of your contact information has changed, please shoot me an email.
As always, let me know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
And finally,
An American citizen is vacationing on his own in Ireland. He decides to play a round and is paired with three locals. He takes a few practice swings, steps up to the first tee, and proceeds to hook the ball out of bounds. He shakes his head, reaches in his pocket, and re-tees another ball. He tells his playing partners that he is taking a mulligan. He pounds one down the center of the fairway.
With a big smile, he asks the others, “In the States, we call that a mulligan. What do you call it here in Ireland?” After a moment of silence, one of the locals replies, “Hitting three.” ;-)
Thanks, and see you on the links!
Mark Alexander
The current member count is 65 + 2 Honorary members. Within these numbers we have 3 or 4 members that will rejoin in the first quarter of 2025.
If you know anyone interested in joining our club, please send them my way or you can direct them to our website for all details @ www.foregolf.org
Membership renewal:
For those that have yet to renew, the fee is $85. At the time of this newsletter being published, we were having some technical issues with the website. If you tried to pay your dues online unsuccesfully, you can always send me a check or pay in person with cash. See below for more details.
New members only:
Our new member rate is $41.
If paying by check, please have them send to the following address:
Mark Alexander
23422 Westbrook Lane unit #63
Valencia CA. 91355
(*Make Checks Payable to Fore Golf)
If paying by credit card on-line, they can go to www.Foregolf.org (Select the appropriate payment tab)
In addition, they can download the application from the website.
Fore Golf Membership includes the following:
Fore Golf benefits:
• Annual membership from 11/1/24-10/31/25
• Monthly tournaments, at least one multi-day away tournament plus Thursday Skins games at Knollwood and other courses in the area.
• Hole in One fund has exceeded $4,600+ and growing for the miraculous shot.
• Various planned social outings and events throughout the year.
• Being a member of a financially secure golf and social club.
• And much much more, including teeing it up with a bunch of great guys!
SCGA benefits:
• SCGA/USGA/GHIN Handicap Index and Information Network
• Access to SCGA tournaments (All Skill Levels)
• Discounted Tee Times in SCGA local events
• Access to Premier Private facilities (SCGA One-Day Series)
• SCGA Member Outings (non-competitive, just for fun and to play some great courses)
• Subscription to FORE magazine
• Preferred pricing on golf equipment
• Online video segments to improve swing and fitness
• Rules of Golf
New Member news:
Nothing to report.
If any of your contact information has changed, please shoot me an email.
As always, let me know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
And finally,
An American citizen is vacationing on his own in Ireland. He decides to play a round and is paired with three locals. He takes a few practice swings, steps up to the first tee, and proceeds to hook the ball out of bounds. He shakes his head, reaches in his pocket, and re-tees another ball. He tells his playing partners that he is taking a mulligan. He pounds one down the center of the fairway.
With a big smile, he asks the others, “In the States, we call that a mulligan. What do you call it here in Ireland?” After a moment of silence, one of the locals replies, “Hitting three.” ;-)
Thanks, and see you on the links!
Mark Alexander

Special Events Chairman -
Greetings fellow members,
Rather than mail out the Spring Fling invitations at Morro Bay thru the USPS mail service, I will be sending out the invitations via e-mail. You will probably already have received the Spring Fling e-mail invitation by the time you receive this newsletter. If you do not receive the invitation, please contact me directly and I will make sure you get one.
Anthony Elias

Handicap Chair -
Hi, All Fore Golf Members,
As a condition of being provided with "official handicap index", you are REQUIRED to post all valid ADJUSTED scores. Adjusted scores being no more than NET double bogies on any holes (using your handicap "pops").
Some make the excuse "my bad scores will only increase my handicap index, so I don't post". Besides not following the rule, the problem arises when we have a team competition. You'll be hurting your teammates because you are not getting all the handicap strokes you deserve.
On the other hand, not posting low scores will allow one to get additional handicap strokes you are NOT entitled to. We really are not playing for high enough prize money to risk EMBARRASSMENT if you are caught cheating of handicap manipulation (sandbagging).
If you are aware of anyone in our club NOT posting scores, it is your responsibility to call him on this infraction. It is your responsibility to "protect the field". If you don't feel comfortable doing this, please notify me and I will investigate.
For some reason you are unable to post, please email (or call) me your adjusted scores and all the other pertinent information (Course/tee/slope/rating/date) so that I can post for you
Yuki Matsumura
Handicap Chairman
yuki@limit.org, (C) 818-585-7495
Handicap Chair -
Hi, All Fore Golf Members,
As a condition of being provided with "official handicap index", you are REQUIRED to post all valid ADJUSTED scores. Adjusted scores being no more than NET double bogies on any holes (using your handicap "pops").
Some make the excuse "my bad scores will only increase my handicap index, so I don't post". Besides not following the rule, the problem arises when we have a team competition. You'll be hurting your teammates because you are not getting all the handicap strokes you deserve.
On the other hand, not posting low scores will allow one to get additional handicap strokes you are NOT entitled to. We really are not playing for high enough prize money to risk EMBARRASSMENT if you are caught cheating of handicap manipulation (sandbagging).
If you are aware of anyone in our club NOT posting scores, it is your responsibility to call him on this infraction. It is your responsibility to "protect the field". If you don't feel comfortable doing this, please notify me and I will investigate.
For some reason you are unable to post, please email (or call) me your adjusted scores and all the other pertinent information (Course/tee/slope/rating/date) so that I can post for you
Yuki Matsumura
Handicap Chairman
yuki@limit.org, (C) 818-585-7495

From the Treasurer –
Nothing to report.
Greg Busch
Nothing to report.
Greg Busch

From the Newsletter Editor –
Note from the editor. Reminder for all the members to share your Foregolf events or tournament pictures. Email me and I’ll choose the best pics for the newsletter and store all the pics in the Foregolf repository for austerity.
Thanks everyone.
Derek Weinberger
Note from the editor. Reminder for all the members to share your Foregolf events or tournament pictures. Email me and I’ll choose the best pics for the newsletter and store all the pics in the Foregolf repository for austerity.
Thanks everyone.
Derek Weinberger

Rules Chairman -
Fore Golf! Newsletter/Rules 2.25
Facebook: Remember to “Like” Fore Golf!’s Facebook Page! (https://www.facebook.com/foregolfclub)
7.4 Ball Accidentally Moved in Trying to Find or Identify It
So, you think you know the Rules of Golf?
Question(s) submitted by: None
Rules, Decisions, or Topics:
7.4 Ball Accidentally Moved in Trying to Find or Identify It
There is no penalty if the player’s ball is accidentally moved by the player, opponent or anyone else while
trying to find or identify it. But if the player causes the ball to move before they start to search for the ball,
the player gets one penalty stroke under Rule 9.4b.
Under this Rule, “accidentally” includes when the ball is moved by anyone taking reasonable actions to
find the ball that were likely to reveal the ball’s location by moving it (such as by sweeping feet through
long grass or shaking a tree).
In these situations, the ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated)
(see Rule 14.2). In doing so:
If the ball was on, under or against any immovable obstruction, integral object, boundary object or
growing or attached natural object, the ball must be replaced on its original spot on, under or
against such object (see Rule 14.2c).
If the ball was covered by sand, the original lie must be re-created and the ball must
be replaced in that lie (see Rule 14.2d(1)). But the player may leave a small part of the ball visible
when doing so.
See also Rule 15.1a (restriction on deliberately removing certain loose impediments before replacing ball).
PENALTY: See above.
As noted above.
The rules are here to protect you, and in many cases are helpful to you. Knowing the rules will help your
game and score. Professional Golfers use the Rules of Golf to their benefit; I recommend you do the
Remember, keep it under a 100.
Rob Conn
Fore Golf! Newsletter/Rules 2.25
Facebook: Remember to “Like” Fore Golf!’s Facebook Page! (https://www.facebook.com/foregolfclub)
7.4 Ball Accidentally Moved in Trying to Find or Identify It
So, you think you know the Rules of Golf?
Question(s) submitted by: None
Rules, Decisions, or Topics:
7.4 Ball Accidentally Moved in Trying to Find or Identify It
There is no penalty if the player’s ball is accidentally moved by the player, opponent or anyone else while
trying to find or identify it. But if the player causes the ball to move before they start to search for the ball,
the player gets one penalty stroke under Rule 9.4b.
Under this Rule, “accidentally” includes when the ball is moved by anyone taking reasonable actions to
find the ball that were likely to reveal the ball’s location by moving it (such as by sweeping feet through
long grass or shaking a tree).
In these situations, the ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated)
(see Rule 14.2). In doing so:
If the ball was on, under or against any immovable obstruction, integral object, boundary object or
growing or attached natural object, the ball must be replaced on its original spot on, under or
against such object (see Rule 14.2c).
If the ball was covered by sand, the original lie must be re-created and the ball must
be replaced in that lie (see Rule 14.2d(1)). But the player may leave a small part of the ball visible
when doing so.
See also Rule 15.1a (restriction on deliberately removing certain loose impediments before replacing ball).
PENALTY: See above.
As noted above.
The rules are here to protect you, and in many cases are helpful to you. Knowing the rules will help your
game and score. Professional Golfers use the Rules of Golf to their benefit; I recommend you do the
Remember, keep it under a 100.
Rob Conn